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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Carbon Clean

Saat ini tersedia fasilitas CarbonClean di Starbenz, Jl. Lodaya 121 Bandung,Indonesia. Prosedur yang digunakan adalah memasukan zat kimia kedalam ruang bakar/combustion chamber, zat kimia tertentu yang bersifat waterbase, tidak merusak cat kendaraan dan tidak berbahaya bila terkena kulit. Proses dilakukan tidak terlalu lama tergantung jumlah silinder mesin, berbagai macam trik dapat dilakukan untuk optimalisasi. Dengan membersihkan sisa karbon dapat meningkatkan performa mesin dari kondisi sebelumnya. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Starbenz di Bandung
READ MORE - Carbon Clean

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Auto Care Car

Banyak sekali penyedia jasa cuci dan salon mobil, menerima berbagai macam merek mobil. Berhati - hatilah, banyak juga yang tidak mengerti "mobil", bagaimana menanganinya. Beberapa kali saya menemukan kendaraan mercedes benz yang di cuci dan atau salon tanpa memperhatikan hal hal lain, mereka hanya menganggap itu mobil yang sama dengan yang lain, biasa saja. Bagaimana kalo ruang mesin beserta mesinnya di siram air ? bahkan bukan hanya disiram, tapi di semprot dengan alat cuci bertekanan tinggi... Mobil sekarang kebanyakan sudah mengaplikasi sistem injeksi elektronik, banyak sekali sensor sensor bertebaran di ruang mesin, bahkan komputer/control unit, mulai dari ABS, Kontrol Traksi, Mesin dan lain lain berada di ruang mesin, meskipun dilindungi didalam modul box, tapi box ini tidak bisa menahan tekanan air yang tinggi. Beberapa kendaraan mercedes benz bahkan memiliki posisi komputer tepat berada diatas mesin tanpa box pelindung...

Jangan semprot ruang mesin anda dengan cairan bertekanan, bila ingin membersihkan cukup gunakan lap basah, dan semprot dengan kompresor angin. Ruang mesin yang ingin benar benar bersih dapat dilakukan pembersihan ke pusat auto care car/salon mobil yang memiliki pengalaman lebih jauh dan sebaiknya di konsultasikan dengan workshop terkait merek dan jenis mobil sehingga dapat dibersihkan dengan lebih teliti dan seksama.
READ MORE - Auto Care Car

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mercedes Parts

Please becareful of choosing the replacement parts, so many fake aftermarket part. Some of the best products are Lemforder, Febi, etc. They were pirated with all identical looks, the packaging, the part number, the colour. But the fake product usually have different LOGO, for example the Lemforder logo is owl bird inside triangle, the fake product have some different logo, the logo detail and the triangle mark.
If you choose cheaper parts such as Europart, GermanParts, Porto, etc be sure to check the part first before make a decision...

Even there is a product that has the same packaging as the OEM part...
For the OEM part you must be cautious also, if you dont check the part number with EPC. Some of the OEM products are intended for fleet car or lower grade, they has different drivability.

Be wise to choosing spare part for your mercedes...
READ MORE - Mercedes Parts

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Spark Plug

So many spark plug choices in the market, are they as good as the ads said ? My answer is, Yes !
However they are must be properly used and spec's matched to manufacture recommendation. You might read the Spark Plug in Wikipedia website http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spark_plug

I dont want to talk about how to read the condition of your vehicle's spark plugs because probably its a common thing, but is it necessary to replace oem grade spark plug with aftermarket highly design, precisely manufactured built with the best material (such as iridium, gold, etc...)

Using the best aftermarket spark plug ? why not ?... but you must know what you will achieve with spark plug of your choice.
For example, plug with splited head wont have splited sparks like the pictures the printed on the box, why ? because electric only looking for less resitance path.
Another example, exotic material for spark plug's head, they claimed for bigger spark, yes it would, but it wont go like you got independent high discharge ignition system... it might better from the oem product as far as it got better material and better longevity.
As long as your ignition system is an OEM product you will not get bigger spark (i mean the "big" big).
Be smart for your choices, another product with HALO type head claimed they will produce the best overall achivement, hmmmm nope, i dont think so, that thick circle electrode head above the center electrode will restrict the combustion process both before ignition and after, air and gas will have difficulty passing into gap between catode and anode (side and center electrode).

Consult with your trusted workshop or dealership for the best choices for your needs. If you insist for using aftermarket, try to talk to private workshop.

READ MORE - Spark Plug