Please becareful of choosing the replacement parts, so many fake aftermarket part. Some of the best products are Lemforder, Febi, etc. They were pirated with all identical looks, the packaging, the part number, the colour. But the fake product usually have different LOGO, for example the Lemforder logo is owl bird inside triangle, the fake product have some different logo, the logo detail and the triangle mark.
If you choose cheaper parts such as Europart, GermanParts, Porto, etc be sure to check the part first before make a decision...
Even there is a product that has the same packaging as the OEM part...
For the OEM part you must be cautious also, if you dont check the part number with EPC. Some of the OEM products are intended for fleet car or lower grade, they has different drivability.
Be wise to choosing spare part for your mercedes...
READ MORE - Mercedes Parts
If you choose cheaper parts such as Europart, GermanParts, Porto, etc be sure to check the part first before make a decision...
Even there is a product that has the same packaging as the OEM part...
For the OEM part you must be cautious also, if you dont check the part number with EPC. Some of the OEM products are intended for fleet car or lower grade, they has different drivability.
Be wise to choosing spare part for your mercedes...